At the recent launch for our engagement, co-design and social value offer we promised to follow up with a report of all the findings. Launching today, we are thrilled with the contributions from so many people that attended from diverse backgrounds, and keen to know what others think. The report explains the LDN collaborative process, which is unique and tailor made to each project and brief.
Download the report here

The LDN Collective launched their engagement, co-design and social value service on Wednesday 17th July at the Seven Dials Club in Covent Garden. The new service is based on the premise that bringing together adjacent, yet different experiences, and applying those to built environment projects will get the best outcome for scheme sponsors and developers, local government, and most importantly the communities they interact with.

The launch event began with three introductory presentations:
• Oliver Deed, ECF, on engagement
• Hannah Smart, edge Urban Design, on co-design
• Tim Ashwin, Tim Ashwin Consulting, on social value
These presentations provided attendees with background on each element of the new service offering, and examples of best practice in operation.

This was followed by an ‘open mic’ session in which attendees shared their good and bad experiences of engagement, with several interesting stories told! Then, a workshop activity took place in which attendees discussed how to approach engagement, co-design and social value in two hypothetical scenarios . The session ended with reflections on the event in an open mic format, with individuals sharing what they learned from the session.

This report sets out the learnings that were drawn from the session, based on the notes taken by table facilitators, and the feedback given at the end of the two rounds of workshop activity. Some conclusions are drawn but, ultimately, we leave it to the reader to absorb the information and draw their own conclusions from what was discussed at the event and summarised here.

You can also read this new blog by Concept Culture, which includes videos of attendees talking about engagement and why it matters. A future session is planned for later in 2024…so watch this space!